*This was written way back in November 2013 on a flight going home from Fuerteventura to Hannover. A lot of things happened from that month until now, that I ended up just posting it now.
Destiny has found a way to test my patience with the dishes. I simply hated it, just like jogging (or so I thought). Way back in Manila, when my siblings see me washing the dishes, they say jokingly, ''Wow, milagro, si Ate naghuhugas ng pinggan, papamisa ako bukas'' (Wow, it's a miracle, our eldest sister is washing the dishes, I will request a special thanksgiving mass tomorrow). That's how I hated it, even with a dishwasher now, I always cheat on my husband, so he ends up tidying it up.
While we were on Fuerteventura ( November 2013), the apartment we rented had no dishwasher. Half surprised I asked my husband, didn't you check? Anyways, no way back now and since we just arrived and we didn't want argue on such petty things, but normally we usually look for apartments with a washing machine and a dishwasher because these things for me are always a must.
Oh well then, we have to live with it. We told ourselves we will take turns and we stick to it.
My husband having senstive hands bought a dishwashing liquid that has balsam
whatever to protect his skin. Good thing I brought with me an extra washing brush. We took turns, so whoever cooks, s/he is responsible cleaning the pans and casseroles immediately after cooking.
My husband taught me this trick 6 years ago, the motto is strike while the iron is hot or should I rephrase it, wash them while the pans are hot, in that way, the grease is easily washed away and easier to clean when you clean it immediately.
Another trick is to wash with warm water with a little soap on it.
Drying the dishes is the last part which I shared with my husband every now and then.
What I learned from washing up the dishes is the value of avoiding PROCRASTINATION.
the chore itself is not so glamourous, we tend to procrastinate it, but if you do the simple little dirty things right at that moment, then the cleaning up afterwards is way much more easier.
As clumsy as I am, whenever my husband and I are in the kitchen, I end up hitting or hurting him or myself, our experience on the island helped us to complement each other, even in this simple task.
If you ask me, if I hate washing the dishes, my answer is a definite YES, yet I enjoyed it for the last 3 weeks since it proved me this time again that we can do the things that we hate, if we try. By the way, the running is still getting along.
I haven't been running everyday but I
am proud to say that I am faster now.
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