*Just like the other blog, this was written last November 2013 on our way home from Fuerteventura
When it comes to cooking, well it is not my forte and when I decided to do the things I hate doing, I really made it a point that I would include cooking.
As a wife and a mother and a good housekeeper, it is quite expected that one should be good at cooking, but I lack skills on this part, or maybe it was just an excuse or again my previous way of thinking.
My father cooks well and my mom bakes, I can say I look to my mom than my papcy.He is simply good at it, I love his cooking too, and appreciate mouth watering meals. I am my papcy's assistant and I am in charge of the chopping. Well, I love being his assistant and I love to chop. Maybe that's the reason why I love sharp knives and the chopping part.
Since Michael loves to cook, I always have the excuse, not to be good at it-- I live by the saying too cooks spoil the broth. He is also afraid of sharp knives, so I took the liberty to play as the chopping assistant again, that's why I have my own sharp knives at home. Michael uses his sort of an all around knife ( which looks like a bread knife to me), while I use mine.
This time I decided to cook more than usual, which is part of my resolutions for myself.
I love salads so I started with it. I would always experiment with fruits, cheese and the green ones. For a start, I combined salads and cooked a little, since my daughter loves meat and my husband cannot live on veggies alone, I looked for veggies that I like and started cooking it with various spices.
Suprisingly my husband started praising my cooking. Humbly saying thank you and saying since I have more time now, why not cook more, which I did. While we were on vacation, we cooked mostly fishes, not too much art on that and not much progress on my cooking but hopefully if my tempo gets better, I hope to impress not only my husband but my papcy and mother in law as well.
Update: ( 8. May 2014 )
We are back on the island again and not one but two praised my cooking. One is my super critical daughter and my loving husband.
She told her papa to play with her because mommy can cook better than him. I simply
smiled and thanked her for the compliment. The next day after cooking lunch, my husband me a kiss and told me...''Baby, you can cook better than me.'' This recognition from him was indeed well-earned. Hopefully, I can impress my mother-in-law sometime soon. hihihi!
What did I earned from all of these resolutions, trying to do things that I hate the most, whether it's jogging, washing the dishes and cooking, as long as you are willing to try new things, no one can stop you. Your motivation comes from within, of course there will be external factors, but still you are fully in charge with it.
Life is full of opportunities, grab these opportunities now or we might never be given the chance to do it. I learned a lot in forming new habits, I am happier and I feel accomplished. We are never too old to try new things, like I always write, life is a continuous learning, we should never feel old trying new adventures, meeting new friends, taking healthy risks, learning a new skill/hobby and forming new habits. Afterall, life gives us back more than we expected.
What are you waiting for??? Go start a new one!
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