Fully Integrated
Thoughts, stories, tips on how one can fully integrate in Germany.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
There are no perfect timing or best condtions..only excuses
I said yes for him. He was getting cozy on the sofa and I told him: "8pm, you have enough time. GO! No excuses.''
After 2 hours, I asked him, "well, how was it?"
He replied: " I'd probably cannot walk tomorrow. I just realized, I haven't work on certain muscle groups for a long time. But thank you for forcing me."
Me: "You're welcome".
We'll you see as parents, we are too tired for everything! Hahaha! Most parents could relate to what I am saying here. I guess I don't need to elaborate on that.
My husband's usual expression, I am waiting for a perfect timing and the best condtions (and me being all too exhausted on the evenings still manage to paint or draw or sew or read depending on my mood) would gently tell him...
"Schatz, with two kids, there are no best conditions or a perfect timing, we are not buying a house here, it is just sport, either you do it now or you won't do it for the next 10 years. You have been telling me that for the last xxx years, that you need to do more sport yet the only consistent thing you do during vacations is SUPing. Deal with it, we are not in vacation right now."
Aren't we all guilty of procrastinating! I am guilty procrastinating things too.
It makes us human. Most of our daily tasks we are confronted whether to do it or not, routines makes it sometimes unbearable. but hey, when you think about it, when you simply do one task, you accomplish one thing and it paves way for you to make or do another thing to the next.
Make a list.
Check it off, once your done.
Remember that small steps matter.
Be happy...always.
So for the last 5 months he have been consistently doing his weekly Sport-program with his group.Yehey!
No perfect timings or best conditons required. No more excuses.
Have a lovely Tuesday!
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Regenbogen Chorwochenende ( Mein erstes deutsches Blog )
Bitte entschuldigen Sie mich wegen meiner grammatikalischen Fehler während ich dieses Blog schreibe, denn ich habe Deutsch als meine 2. Fremdsprache, und mit meinem Alter werde ich nur 80-85% die Sprache beherrschen.
Ich liebe Geschichten, ich hore gerne zu. Mein persönliches Highlight war Nina, die mich zu dem Chor eingeladen hat, ist eine Pastorin!!! Ihre Geschichte, wie sie ihren Mann kennengelernt hat, war so romantisch! Und Barbara, wie sie ihre Freizeit und Leidenschaft für Bücher verbindet sogar mit Ehrenamtliche Arbeit--wow! Wie alle Geschichte und Liebesgeschichte, es lohnt sich immer zu zuhören. Mädels, bitte verzeiht mir, ich kann nicht alles hier schreiben, dann muss ich schon wohl ein Roman zäubern, wenn ich alle Erzählungen schreiben würde.
Nach dem Schlossführung kehrten wir wiederzurück ins Schloss und ein köstliches Mittagsessen wartete auf us. Ich nahm die Gelegenheit, mich bei Herr Alberter zu bedanken, für das wohlschmeckendes und rücksichtvolles Essen. Es was lecker und gleichzeitig laktosefrei für mich, für Katharina und Nina!
Leider hat alles ein Ende. Aber ein kleiner Trost. Neue Freundschaften und Bindung haben begonnen. Durch die Erzählung ein Teil ihres Lebens, habe wir alle ein Stück von dieser wunderschöne Frau miterlebt und ganz sicher auch aufbewahren. Das war ein unvergessliches Wochenende! Wir haben Spaß und neue Erinnerungen nach Hause mitgenommen und es hat uns alle seelisch bereichert! Herzlichen Dank Mädels. Also die nächste Chorauszeit, werde ich sicherlich dabei sein!
**Ich muss zugeben, dass diese Auszeit mit dem Chor hat mir seelisch gut getan und ich ermütige andere Muttis es zu machen. Nach der Geburt meine 2. Tochter habe ich kaum Zeit für mich selbst. Das ist mein estes Mal wieder allein zu verreisen nach der Geburt. Sogar beim Duschen ist die Kleine meistens dabei. Wie viele ausländische Frauen, die wenig Unterstützung haben, brauchen wir ab und zu auszuatmen. Ich habe das Glück, das Erlebnis mit liebevollen Frauen gemacht zu haben. Ich habe mich so viel amüsiert und viel gelacht!
Eine Auszeit für eine Frau ( für ein Mensch) ist sehr wichtig, dann kann sie wieder Kraft tanken. Dieser Austausch von Erfahrungen anderer Frauen, von schönen und sogar traurigen Geschichten, die Freude von Singen oder andere Leidenschaft--Bücher, Nähen usw.., macht eine Frau stärker aber gleichwohl weiser und liebevoller. Emotionen sind wie ein Brennstoffe für eine Frau. Es halt uns alle in Trab. Also macht deine eigene Auszeit--Gesichtbehandlungen, Massage, Reise, Reiten, Lesen, Malen, Nähen usw.die Möglichkeiten sind endlos. Mach es. Einfach machen oder mitmachen. Ich widme dieses Blog hier für meine Mutter Nancy, die mich unendlich und bedingunglos liebt, eine starke Frau, die ihr ganzes Leben gearbeitet hat, trotzdem hatte immer Auszeit für sich, und für meinen Mann Michael, der mich in alle verrückte neue Hobbys und Ideen unterstüzt und für meine beiden Töchter, die mich immer zum Wahnsinn treiben aber auch zu einer besser Mutter treiben. 381.
Monday, February 15, 2016
01 January 2016... A slippery start
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Taken inside the ER 01.01.2016 |
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
2015....2016 Better late than never...
This is so late but here it is anyways....
Hello!!! It has been a busy 2015 for me and for those who have been patiently been waiting or lost patience already... I am glad to say I am back writing. I have so my reasons why I made a pause writing but let me share you the highlights of the past year.
I made resolutions and did a quite few...
1. I only bought things that I needed throughout the year and it was so liberating. The experience made me realized that less is more and we don't need too much material things to make us happy. It was tough at first but in the long run, I got used to it. It is nothing to do being so frugal but setting priorities and one of my main reasons why is to decrease my buying consumption on...
Since I love to read and love the resolution I made...I started to borrow books from the library, it saves me alot of money and SPACE too. The city library in my town is a heaven for me and my kids, we borrow now on a regular basis books, board games, Blu-ray films and dvds.
Online Shopping
Whenever I have the urge to buy something online, I put in first in a wish list and just leave it there, after a few times, checking it and weighing if the those things are my 'wants' vs. my 'needs'...I end up buying just the things that I need and not the impulse stuff. The less stuff the better. It totally worked out for me.
Sewing Materials
I am a fabric hoarder! I bought fabrics to hoard, with the challenge I placed upon myself, I needed to be consistent. So avoided my favorite fabric online shop and use the fabrics I still have. I sewed and upcycled scraps and even gave it as gifts. I am so proud of myself that I was able to minimize my costs by using my available fabrics and the best part I started sewing fabrics that I love and made me happy and other people too.
I stopped collecting stuff
This is something personal but it is the same way as liberating as other resolutions. I used to collect momiji dolls, these tiny dolls could make one addictive. Oh I am so guilty! But when my uncle died last 2014, I realized that when we leave people behind, the memories and the love remain. Simple as that. So instead of collecting more, I stopped buying, sold some of them and concentrated on collecting memories. Which saves me money and makes me more than a happy person.
Make and collect memories, from loved ones, from friends, from people. Relationsips make us richer not material stuff.
2. I started another new hobby. Aside from sewing, I started to paint mid- 2015 and I am enjoying every single time I paint or draw. This made me realized that we are never too old to try something new. Being a perfectionist, I have been very afraid to paint, simply because, I wanted it to be perfect....hello Merril!! Painting or drawing takes a lot of practice and patience unless you are a prodigy! And so I started doing it. A hawaiian artist, Rebecca Snow would give me tips on how to do it. She is such an angel! You can also visit her blogspot, here is her link. * I love her artworks, I have a few of her originals and prints. To make my story short, I love every single time I paint, it is like jogging, the releases the stress away and keeps your mind free and flowing.
Lesson of the story...Fear is just a mindset. Fear cripples us. So why fear...life is too short to be afraid.
3. I finally made time to learn few basic Spanish phrases, so whenever I order in a restaurant or buy something, I can speak Spanish and try to speak and chat with the locals. We go on vacation twice a year on a spanish island and so I was so happy speaking in Spanish to a lady telling her to cut off the head of the fish and please clean it too. Hahaha! Dos Lubinas sin Cabeza y entera por favor! Gracias!
Again we are never too old to learn and feed our minds with new stuff.
4. I took time to make gifts to friends, acquaintances. Like I wrote, I only bought things I needed. When some of my friends' birthday is coming up, I would take and make time to sew or paint something personal as a gift. I now go by the motto, if I have a gift that can make people happy by giving hand-made or hand-painted, then I should do it. I used scrap textiles and made Christmas ornaments, so my daughter can give it to her classmates. I painted personal gifts for birthdays, for a birth of a child, sewed bags as a birthday gift. Don't you just love it, when you receive a personal gift that was made personally and was not commercially bought?
The most beautiful gift we can give to our friends is our time. Make time to make things more personal.
5. I finally enrolled to a course again, to let me mind stay on track and keep focused on the things I started. Being a mom to a 7 year old and a 1 year daughters , I am constantly interrupted, ( I am being interrupted right now for the 4th time) although I learned the art of being flexible, enrolling myself in a course makes me just focus on the lessons to be read, to written and to be submitted.
Life is an unending learning process. Keep learning.
6. I started this year to personally call friends to say hello and ask how they were. With all the internet platforms we have, a viber or WhatsApp message makes all easier but also unpersonal. I made sure that this year, I would call a friend, a sister, an aunt...just to say hello. Writing and sending snail mails are what I have been doing too. But I still have a list of people I need to write or call often.
Relationships keep us all grounded. Invest on it wisely.
7. I joined a Choir and gave me an opportunity to meet and gain a few new acquaintances. I have always love to sing but hates to sing alone, so being in a choir totally works out for me. The choir practices allows me to bring my 1 year old, who behaves well in front of people and such a mischief at home so I am loving it. I always look forward to sings every Thursdays since Rieki transforms into an angel and on special occasions we sing before audiences. My 7 year old daughter is my biggest fan, who is also sings in a school choir.
He who sings well praise twice -- St. Augustine
8. Learn an instrument. Never too old to learn new things. I started to play ......tada....the Ukelele.... I tried to play a guitar when I was in highschool, but since my hands are quite small and my fingers are...oh well...short....I gave up trying.... Hihihi.😊 Ukelele is actually fun, and perfect for my quite short fingers, most of all it makes me happy that I just simply did it. My father who can play the guitar and sing too, with my mom's ever loving encouragement inspired me to try playing an instrument. Tada...hoping to play more songs this year.
Music always warms the heart.
9. I faced my fear of skating on ice. Either I was always looking for excuses not to do this to myself or I am so scared to fall on my bum. Kathrin, my daughter, who loves to skate on ice, compelled me to do it, showing her that I will make time and the effort, so we both can have fun on ice. So I asked my husband to buy me a pair of ice skates and we hit the ice the next day. I just for a start, I did great.
Again, fear is just a mindset.
10. Lastly despite loss, bitterness, exhaustion and negativity, I continue to and will continue to stay positive and happy. Happiness not coming from material things is something people cannot take away from me. Thanking God, my husband, my daugters, my family, relatives and friend for good 2015.
So there...Indeed 2015 was a blast for me. Looking forward to a wonderful 2016. I am grateful.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Hurra das Baby ist da Part 2
Hurra, unser Baby ist da (Part 1)
Friday, June 13, 2014
Happy memories with my Uncle Orlie
This blog had been the hardest blog to write. Comforting someone who lost a loved one had never been my ministry. I have to stop writing whenever it is too much for me. In a span of 5 years, I lost 3 great men in my life.
My grandfather, my father-in-law and recently my Uncle Orlie.
For my grandfather (age 80) and my father-in-law (age 71), who both lost the battle to cancer, death came as a release. I was prepared and I was able to say goodbye. Honestly, my acceptance was easier.
For my Uncle Orlie it was so sudden. Massive Heart Attack. He was just 44. His kids are still so young and so was he.
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Uncle Orlie with his wife Auntie Tina |
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With his siblings, Christmas 2013 |
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With his family |
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Always smiling |
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Always happy |
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With his mom, Mama Dioning and his brothers |
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Taken in 1990, Baguio City |
He would tell me stories, that my mom helped him, when he was younger, in school and he did excel too. He was intelligent and he was not bragging. While he was working at Jollibee-Alimall Branch, and when we would passby by the foodcourt, we would check if he is there working, and if he happens to be there, we would ask for hamburgers, which he gladly gives me and my sibling or a friend who was with me. I grew up happy because he was part of it, I grew knowing I am important. He made everybody important. He is ever interested in you not in himself. Like what I wrote, he made time for everyone. He made you important.
Here are some memories that I had with him:
- When I was in college, he would hand me some money, so I can buy my financial accounting books.
- He would tell me, when I am pissed off with my sister, to think of him, whenever I would have conflict with her and then I would just laugh, because we both know, I cannot be or never be angry at him.
- I conspired him and my other uncles to scare off a suitor, and my Uncle Orlie ended up breaking the ice, by giving him a bottle of beer.
- He would tip my friend's car plate number in his Lottery ticket and would whisper in my ears, ''do you think we have the chance to win the jackpot?''
- He took Michael (my husband) to his in-laws family swimming party and promised me that we will take care of him. Michael has tonsilitis that time while I'm off to work.
- He gave me a fancy pendant on my 30th birthday in behalf of his family.
- He wrote me a comprehesive letter when I asked him about a Mother-Baby Cafe and I was so overwhelmed with his experience in the food and restaurant branch and so proud that I have such an uncle.
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Ony brother's graduation. |
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Aunties' visit in 2006 |
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On my birthday celebration, August 2010 |
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2010 with my Calomot Uncles |
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When my Aunties would visit Manila |
- That I was able to talked to him last year, when our houses in Manila were burned down and before we ended the call, I told him, I miss him and I love him.
- That because he is a good man he doesn't deserve to suffer and to get ill and
- that he accomplished his mission with flying colors, that God welcomed and embraced him saying, ''Well done my son, well done''