And so we were so happy when I got pregnant and made the necessary changes at home. I also prepared myself physically and mentally. My pain tolerance is so low, that the labor pains are freaking me out. I called my midwife 4 months before my due date, so I would have a head start. I did the pre-natal course way back, but this time my midwife told me, enjoy your pregancy, and don't let yourself get stressed from schedules. She lend me a book about Hypnobirthing and it changed my perspective on pregnancy and how I will handle my second pregnancy.
I am a rebel when it comes to medicines and hospital routines, and German hospitals are routine-wise very efficient. They will offer you a wide range of pain killers. This time I decided against it. No pain killers, no epiduralanaesthesia etc..
The woman's body (when healthy) is beautiful made to endure and overcome labor pains and childbirth itself.
And so I was hypnotizing myself that I can endure that kind of pain. Of course the breathing techniques helped me too and some exercises. I told Michael that I don't want an Epiduralanaesthesia and especially ocytocic. That he need to watch out that my wishes would be done, even when I am in such pain or in delirium that I would suddenly demand for the epidural. When we went to the delivery/labor room, I told the facilitating midwife, that I wanted a natural birth,possibly a water birth, which surprised her, because it is practically uncommon not to ask for an epidural. She asked me, where did I get this idea. I insisted that this time I will do this naturally ( the pain was still tolerable that time) and the woman body can endure such pain. She respected my decision. I was still psyching myself up that I decide what is good for my body and that I am healthy and my baby too. So we are going to surpass the pain.
When the crowning started, I was already in delirium, the pain was so intense that I was in doubt if I can do it. Maybe I should get the Epidural. But my husband was supporting and encouraging me yet still firm up to the very end (love him for that again), he even told me, you can do this. Your labor pains were not like the pain when we you Kathrin. And with that, in a matter of a few hours we had Henrie without the epidural and the doctor didn't need to stitch me up. ( I am so lucky this time.)
The nurses, doctors and I were all happy that I gave birth without any complications ( it just took us 3 1/2 hours ), I had my milk already, Henrie drinks like a champ, had my Stuhlgang the next day and I am fit in no time. One nurse told me when I was thanking them and was saying goodbye , "Frau Weber, you don't need to thank us, we did not do anything for you, you and your baby were so fit and healthy, you did almost everything yourself and for the baby."
Indeed it is a mindset. When one mentally thinks, everything will turn out as it is, then it will. Just like my experience on my 2nd childbirth. I am thankful, that everything until now, still turns out wonderfully and positively. mindset would definitely be bigger..winks.
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