Last November 2015 an acquiantance from my husband asked him if he wants to join a sport club, which requires him to go 2x a week.
I said yes for him. He was getting cozy on the sofa and I told him: "8pm, you have enough time. GO! No excuses.''
After 2 hours, I asked him, "well, how was it?"
He replied: " I'd probably cannot walk tomorrow. I just realized, I haven't work on certain muscle groups for a long time. But thank you for forcing me."
Me: "You're welcome".
We'll you see as parents, we are too tired for everything! Hahaha! Most parents could relate to what I am saying here. I guess I don't need to elaborate on that.
My husband's usual expression, I am waiting for a perfect timing and the best condtions (and me being all too exhausted on the evenings still manage to paint or draw or sew or read depending on my mood) would gently tell him...
"Schatz, with two kids, there are no best conditions or a perfect timing, we are not buying a house here, it is just sport, either you do it now or you won't do it for the next 10 years. You have been telling me that for the last xxx years, that you need to do more sport yet the only consistent thing you do during vacations is SUPing. Deal with it, we are not in vacation right now."
Aren't we all guilty of procrastinating! I am guilty procrastinating things too.
It makes us human. Most of our daily tasks we are confronted whether to do it or not, routines makes it sometimes unbearable. but hey, when you think about it, when you simply do one task, you accomplish one thing and it paves way for you to make or do another thing to the next.
Make a list.
Check it off, once your done.
Remember that small steps matter.
Be happy...always.
So for the last 5 months he have been consistently doing his weekly Sport-program with his group.Yehey!
No perfect timings or best conditons required. No more excuses.
Have a lovely Tuesday!