Early in 2012, I wrote down 15 goals and 9 of them was accomplished. Yehey! The Lord has blessed me a lot by trusting in Him.
Here are my Highs & Lows last year:
Snow Galore. The beautiful mountains of Harz is lovely when covered with snow. We enjoyed our weekend trips filled with sledging, winterhikes, hot chocolates, snowman making and throwing snow balls and of course ice skating on a frozen lake.
Won the a hawaii trip courtesy of Bild.de.
Fuerteventura Trip was our first plane trip as a family. We fell in love with this island. It is indeed Europe's version of Hawaii.
Sisterbonding. My sister Muriel visited us here in Germany. It was indeed a lovely time with her.
We also lost at this time an angel in the family.

High--Got a practikum slot and afterwards the job.
Low--my father in law's health is not so good.
High/s--Kathrin had her adeniods removed & tonsils reduced. The surgery didn't had any complications and she recovered in no time. I started working again. Joggling work & Kathrin's KG 3-week break.
Low--My beloved father-in-law lost his battle to cancer. Two days before Kathrin had her surgery. Saw my husband hurting. He is a papa's kid. (See previous blog)
My mother-in-law had a hip operation and we had to ran errands for her. It was a taxing month for all of us.
Adjustments in work and in Kindergarten.
Marathon Event at work. Preparations for Hawaii.
We deserve a break. Not only we got to see a Paradise, we belong to a beautiful family there. So there is always a reason to go back.
A busy month in the office for me & my husband.
Found out that my good christian boss died of leukemia.
He is the same age as I am and recently his wife had their first baby. Life will never be fair.
Sleepfestival in Kindergarten--Kathrin's 1st Overnight.
6th Wedding Anniversary
Replaced our 5 year old car
Good news from Hawaii. We have been praying for Tata Eddie's health & for his family since we got back from Hawaii.
Mama Dioning's recovery.
When I looked back at the previous year. I can only be grateful to the Lord for the wonderful blessing of life, of good health, of continued happiness and unconditional love and unending blessings. Let us not forget the money may buy us material stuff but it can never buy us peace of mind, a sound health, serenity of heart and profound joy that can only be found in Christ.
I may have lost some loved ones this year and it will never be the same without them, but deep in my heart I know that even if they didn't celebrated Christmas and New year not with us, they celebrated it with someone, who is the reason for Christmas--Jesus Christ.
Thank you 2012. Welcome 2013.